Applebrook Farm


Grampa Tony's Apple Cider - We start pressing cider in October

People say it's the best cider they have ever had. We make our cider using most of the 35 varieties of apples we grow. Each variety adds its own flavor to to the blend: aromatic (from Macoun and Cortland), high-sugar (Delicious, Gala and Fuji), high-acid (Greening and certain Macintosh), and mildly subacidic (Ginger Gold and Empire).

Grampa Tony's Apple Cider has a full old-fashioned taste. To retain the flavor we leave it unpasteurized. For safety, we use only apples harvested from the tree, never from the ground. Then they are thoroughly brushed and power-washed and the product is constantly tested.

The result is a flavor that is unbeatable. Some folks freeze our cider, so they can have it all year long. Some ship frozen cider to their friends and relatives who live in other parts of the country where they can't get great cider. If you haven't tried some yet - you really don't know what you are missing. Really.



The Hartford Courant says:

The Hartford Courant stopped by a while ago and said some nice things about us. Read their article here...


Cider Donuts, Apple Pies, Apple Crisps...

Our cider donuts are made for us at Donut Dip in West Springfield, MA. We have fresh donuts and frozen donuts. Cider donuts are sold freshly made on Saturdays and Sundays and sold frozen on Thursdays and Fridays. It isn't enough for us to tell you they taste really good . You really have to try one, and then you'll know.




You never know what you will find at Applebrook Farm. We are always trying to bring you products that are tasty or interesting or fun. Stop by and see what we have at the Farm this week.


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